Be great at simply being You

In my 30's I was in a Senior management role, I had achieved what I wanted to do in life regarding my career, but I felt something was wrong, something was happening.
I felt like something was broken or needed fixing inside me and I didn’t know what to do. I felt lost, confused, and frightened and when I came across a Counselling course with Cruse Bereavement Care that was the start of my experience with Counselling.

I joined and this helped me make sense of some of what was happening within me. 

That amongst other things I was grieving, but however, once trained I still felt incomplete somehow, l wasn’t really helping me. I was helping others but missing out myself and that happened for a long time as I continued onto higher Therapeutic interventions, moving through many different healing modalities and different belief systems.
 All of this brought me to a room where a Speaker was talking about Non Duality and Self Enquiry, this had an immediate physical effect on me and slowly over time I began to see that I had completely missed out myself in the need to understand and “fix” something, I had also been avoiding looking at nearly all areas of my life that needed my attention as it just felt “too much” to cope with, but little by little I began to get really honest with myself and started to face what was needed, uncomfortable emotions, many difficult decisions and conversations.

The reason I am typing this and putting it here is that I believe that people need to know that I understand how many of these things feel. That I am not just a clinical therapist who has learnt some techniques and has some tools and skills to use, but that I am someone who has experienced and made sense of problems, failure’s, bad judgments, and decisions in life and not just survived.

Getting to understand and accept our emotions is possibly one of the most uncomfortable and hardest things for many to do, but if you look at is as a means to finding the peace, love, and attention you need then you will become more accepting of the importance of this in your life.
It is never too late to begin this with yourself, within my practice I see Clients in the age range of between 22 and 81 years of age and all start to thrive once they begin to see the benefit of this work.

If any of this resonates then please do get in touch, I offer a free telephone consultation with no obligation to continue. This gives opportunity for us to discuss your concerns briefly and to see if we feel comfortable in working together in support of your finding what it is you need to resolve any concerns.

The only thing that stops you being free, is the belief that you aren’t free already


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Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Talking therapy and Body work to support your emotional, mental health wellbeing and recovery.

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Counselling Supervision

Counselling Supervision

Supporting you to understand yourself in response to your own Client work and or Counselling practice.

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  • Brixham, England, United Kingdom
  •  +44-07935247066
  •  My office is open from 10.00am until 18.30pm from Monday to Friday. The office is then closed for weekends, however please feel free to call and leave a message and I will return your call during office hours. Thank you

Help is Available

If you have been experiencing any suicidal thoughts, or require immediate help, please call 111, contact your GP or call the Samaritans on 116 123

Mental Health Support:
Samaritans Call: 116 123 or email
Mind Call: 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 

Children and Young Adults Support:

Checkpoint (The Children's Society)
Brixham Youth Enquiry (The Edge) 

Bereavement Support:
Children and Families in Grief 

Domestic Abuse Support:
Torbay Domestic Abuse Service Call: 01803 698869 or 0345 155 1074
Women's Aid
ManKind Initiative Call: 01823 334244

For Older People:
The Silver Line - A helpline run by Age UK is a free, confidential telephone service for older people.

Spiritual Guidance:

Zahir Khan -

Byron Katie - The Work  

Thich Nhat Hanh - Zen Master at Plum Village